Welcome fellow Condo Owner!

Please note this site, like OpeQuon Hill, is still under development - with more features to come.  For now, it will provide you with a place to look up important documents, dates and meeting information pertaining to the Condo Association.  We hope to incorporate all the information and pictures from the old site soon.

The group email address has been replaced by: opequon-coa@googlegroups.com which if you send an E-mail to that address, it will go to ALL the condo owners!  This assures that everyone in the COA gets the message, versus using a cut and paste of addresses from some other E-mail message.  Please put it in your Contacts list.

Further, should you wish to address an E-mail to the members of the Board, simply use this address: board@opequonhill.net  A message sent to this address will go to each member of board, again, no more guessing or cut and paste!   You'll also find, under the "Contacts" menu, two other methods of contacting the Board or COA Members in a web form format.  So if you don't want to close your browser to open up your E-mail client (program) you can simply click on the form for the party you wish to address.

OpeQuon Hill COA Welcome Letter